Ageless Body System: Anti Aging And Beauty - Rome

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9 Tips To Maintain The Health of The Female Sex Organs

Female sex organs or vagina is one of the most important organs for women. Therefore, vaginal health is the absolute thing that must be maintained by every woman, including you.
Maintain vaginal health may prevent you from fungal infection and vaginal odor-causing bacteria.
9 Follow the following tips for keeping your intimate organ health:
 1. Do not use soap You may sometimes feel insecure with your vaginal odor therefore you use soap to clean it. Though soaps contain chemicals that can damage the pH balance of the vagina. Therefore when you are menstruating, then you should wash it with clean water.

 2. Do not use perfume To improve the luster of your vagina, then you use the perfume is sprayed around the vagina. Alcohol content contained in it, will damage the vaginal pH. Would be susceptible to vaginal irritation.
3. Maintain cleanliness during menstruation During menstruation, vaginal hygiene is the most important thing. At least you change the bandage every 3-4 hours to avoid germs and bacteria multiply causing irritation.

4. Use cotton underwear Cotton will absorb sweat easily compared with other fabric materials. Cotton will also prevent fungal infection that occurs due to damp.

 5. Wear loose clothing Tight clothing will cause the vagina to become wet. As a result of fungi and bacteria will easily grow. Besides tight clothing will also cause infections and rashes.

 6. Shaving pubic hair Pubic hair growth will be the hotbed of bacteria and fungi that will create an infection of the vagina. Therefore be diligent to shave pubic hair for the health of your vagina.

 7. Perform Kegel exercises Kegel exercises will help you to strengthen muscles and vaginal sex organs. Strong muscles can make your sex and your partner can become more enjoyable.

8. Drink plenty of water Water is good for maintaining the health of your vagina will the water will get rid of bacteria in the body in the form of urine. Your gynecologist

9.Kunjungi If you find the odd symptoms of your vagina, you should immediately consult a doctor. Surely prevention is better than the actions actions cure. Sex organs is an important organ. Therefore, in case his health by following the tips above.COENZYME A
11:55 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Melanomas Aren't the Only Dangerous Skin Cancers

Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. When not caught at an early stage, it has a high probability of spreading (metastasizing) and potentially becoming lethal.

However, the two other major skin cancers — basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma (BCC and SCC) — are no trifles. While not often fatal, these nonmelanoma skin cancers can be extremely destructive if not detected and treated early.

Bigger and Badder

Now, research from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, shows that a substantial group of these basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas can be especially aggressive and dangerous, growing and spreading quickly. Physicians call these malignancies "aggressive nonmelanoma cancers," or ANMSCs. They recur more often and lead to death more often than other types of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Mainly occurring on the head, face, and neck, they are difficult to treat, because they tend to grow large — to diameters of 2 centimeters (almost 1") or more. Thus, removing them from these areas can be quite disfiguring. For cosmetic reasons, some patients and their surgeons opt for less aggressive surgery. Unfortunately, because ANMSCs invade the skin more deeply than other nonmelanoma skin cancers, the malignancy may recur, often in a more virulent form.

In the University of Pennsylvania study, of the 54 ANMSC patients (32 with squamous cell carcinomas and 22 with basal cell carcinomas), 25 had recurrent disease. Eight of the 25 had facial weakness or paralysis and 12 showed evidence of regional metastasis (where the disease spreads to nearby lymph nodes).

"When you're treating skin cancer, your best chance of success is the initial treatment," says study leader Stephen Y. Lai, MD, PhD, assistant instructor, and staff physician in Department of Otorhinolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery. "Even for cosmetically sensitive areas on the face, treatment has to be intensive enough to remove all of the cancer. Otherwise, it may recur as a much more dangerous growth, with survival probabilities decreasing."

Extra Measures

Two common initial treatments for head and neck basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are standard surgical excision and Mohs micrographic surgery. For standard excision, the physician removes the growth along with a surrounding safety margin of apparently normal skin. With Mohs surgery, the physician excises the obvious tumor cells, then removes very thin layers of the remaining, surrounding skin, checking each layer in tum under a microscope until the last layer viewed is cancer-free. This technique saves the greatest amount of healthy tissue.

In the study, all patients with recurrences had previously undergone Mohs surgery. Six had also received radiation therapy. "In most cases, simple excision or Mohs surgery is all that is needed. But in a small subset of cases, tumors can spread insidiously," notes Dr. Lai. "The doctor needs to be wary of these tumors and pursue aggressive treatment. As with other head and neck cancers, a multidisciplinary approach involving a dermatologic surgeon, head and neck surgeon, and radiation oncologist may provide the most comprehensive initial treatment."

Patients should examine their skin monthly, staying alert to signs that could indicate an ANMSC. Any lesion that grows to 2 cm or greater is cause for concern. Special vigilance is also called for if the patient has:

a tumor that rapidly changes in size or shape.
any recurrence of a basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.
any skin cancer that occurs in the mid-face "H-zone," the area of the face including the ears, eyes, and nose.
a strong family history of skin cancer.
If an ANMSC is suspected, the doctor may opt at the outset for aggressive excision with wide margins, along with possible radiation treatment. "Because people are so sensitive to changes to the head and face, both doctors and may hesitate to pursue aggressive treatment, but you have to balance the functional with the cosmetic," concludes Dr. Lai. "Above all you want to cure the problem."

8:23 PM | 0 comments | Read More

The Natural Way to Lower Your Cholesterol

The most effective natural strategies for managing your cholesterol.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs are cheap and effective — and if your doctor says you need them, we have no argument. But if it’s a judgment call, consider this: So many people nowadays address every problem with a pill that over medication is a serious health problem in itself. Besides, not addressing the root causes of high cholesterol, such as a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, puts you at risk of other chronic illnesses, like hypertension and diabetes — even if you take a pill for your cholesterol. All of this adds up to powerful reasons to try the three most effective natural strategies for managing cholesterol:

Rough up your diet.
The No. 1 foodstuff for lowering cholesterol is soluble fiber — it reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. One study showed that people who eat a high-fiber diet have about a 30 percent lower risk of heart disease than people who shun the stuff. Bonus: A fiber-rich diet will probably reduce your waistline, too, because these foods fill you up. Oatmeal, apples, barley, and sun-dried plums (also known as prunes) are all soluble superstars. See our gallery of recipes with 7 or more grams of fiber per serving.

Follow this training plan.
While any exercise is good for your health, some workouts are particularly effective at raising HDL, the good kind of cholesterol. First, the longer your aerobic workout (as measured by duration or distance), the better the results — intensity doesn’t matter as much.

A combination of aerobic and strength training can shave pounds — which can move your cholesterol numbers in the right direction too. Try a weekly program that alternates two or three days of walks, runs, or bike rides at a moderate pace with two or three days of total-body resistance training. (If you’ve been sedentary, work up slowly under the guidance of a doctor and trainer.)

Become less of a man or woman.
If you lose weight — as little as five or ten pounds — your cholesterol numbers will improve. Even better news: If you follow our first two tips, you’ll likely drop pounds automatically.

8:07 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Secrets Of The World's Healthiest Women

The secret to a long, healthy life in America? According to longevity researchers, it may be to act like you live somewhere else.

It seems like every year another country's lifestyle is touted as the new magic bullet to cure us of obesity, heart disease and premature death: For an unclogged heart, herd goats and down olive oil like a Mediterranean. Avoid breast cancer and live to 100 by dining on tofu Japanese-style. Stay as happy as Norwegians by hunting elk and foraging for cowberries.

The places we're usually told to emulate are known as Blue Zones or Cold Spots. Blue Zones were pinpointed by explorer Dan Buettner and a team of longevity researchers and are described in his book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest. They're areas in Italy, Japan, Greece, California and Costa Rica where the people have traditionally stayed healthy and active to age 100 or older.

Similarly, Cold Spots, as identified by integrative medicine physician Daphne Miller, M.D., author of The Jungle Effect, are five areas in Mexico, Iceland, Japan, Greece and Cameroon with low rates of "Western" ailments like heart disease, depression and certain cancers.

Now I'd like to eat my way to a long life, but I'm not about to start foraging for raw plants -- I live in Brooklyn. I admire the vascular supremacy of Mediterranean folks, but I doubt I could completely replace butter with olive oil and chips with nuts. My kids would mutiny.

But it's crucial that we all try, says David L. Katz, M.D., founding director of the Yale Prevention Research Center: "The Centers for Disease Control has projected that one in three Americans will have diabetes by 2050." Message received! So I took a look at a few key regions to see which habits we Americans could make our own.

French Women Stay Slim With Petite Portions
According to the best seller French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano, the paradox of how French women consume butter and cream without gaining can be explained in two words: portion control. They have small amounts of fresh, quality food and antioxidant-rich wine, lingering over multiple courses and savoring every bite.

French women also tend to walk everywhere instead of attempting to get to the gym. "In France, they climb stairs. Many of the buildings are older and don't have elevators," says Steven Jonas, M.D., professor of preventive medicine at Stony Brook University School of Medicine in New York and coauthor of 30 Secrets of the World's Healthiest Cuisines.

Plus, the price of gas is a lot higher, so people are motivated to walk instead of drive. All of this adds up to French women having a low incidence of heart disease and obesity (12 percent compared to the U.S.'s 36 percent).

I admire the French "food is the focus" idea, in theory. If only I could while away the afternoon strolling from boulangerie to fromagerie. But as a working mother of two teenagers, I scramble to pull off a 30-minute meal. And that's OK, Jonas says: "Even if it's quick, a homemade meal with whole ingredients is better than going to a restaurant with huge portions and empty calories."

Scandinavians Eat Farm To Table
The traditional Northern European food philosophy is to eat what you -- or someone nearby -- grew or gathered. The key words are local and fresh. Native plants include cruciferous vegetables, whole grains and berries. Northerners eat omega-3-rich fatty fish, as well as elk and game birds, which tend to be leaner than farm-raised livestock.

The Nordic diet and way of life produces low rates of obesity (as low as eight percent, depending on the country). Despite scarce sunlight, Icelandic and Scandinavian people actually suffer from depression less than Americans, possibly due to all those omega-3s.

In Scandinavia, there's also a physical component to producing food. "They expend energy growing and gathering," explains Amy Lanou, Ph.D., a senior nutrition scientist for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C. "But that isn't feasible in many regions in America."

If backyard gardening isn't possible for you, even a weekend apple- or berry-picking trip will connect you to your food and is a good workout to boot.

The Japanese Value Family Connections
Okinawa, a Japanese island region, is known to have the highest concentration of centenarians (people aged 100 or older) in the world. Compared to Americans, they have an 80 percent lower rate of breast cancer death and less than half the rate of ovarian or colon cancer deaths. They also have much lower rates of dementia and a lower risk of heart disease.

How they do it: On Okinawa, they practice hara hachi bu, or eating until 80 percent full. A spiritual lifestyle that includes prayer and meditation seems to reduce stress -- and possibly ailments related to it. Low cancer rates are believed to be due to a high-fiber plant-based diet of rice, soy, cruciferous and sea vegetables, fruit, omega-3-rich fatty fish and only a tiny bit of dairy and meat.

Just as crucial is a sense of connection and community. "In Blue Zones like Okinawa, there is strong social support, family bonds and a value placed on continuing to be active in society into your 80s, 90s, and 100s," Buettner says. "The sense of belonging matters for lowering stress, disease prevention and longevity."

Good Fats Lead To Longer Lives In The Mediterranean
The much-heralded Mediterranean diet has been linked to a longer life and a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. As we've heard before, this diet includes good fats (olive oil, nuts, fish), lean proteins, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of wine.

Of course, it's all about knowing when to say basta -- enough. "Eat like an Italian" doesn't mean diving into a never-ending pasta bowl. Buettner adds, "In Blue Zones like the island of Ikaria in Greece, you find extended families under one roof making family meals." What's more, activity is a part of daily life -- "not something to suffer through at the gym."

7 Things To Do Starting Today
Buettner is crossing Iowa in a bus, attempting to change American towns into homegrown Blue Zones. "More than 40 percent of Americans smoked in the '60s, and only 20 percent do now," he points out. "We can turn around our diet and lifestyle, too." One thing we Americans have going for us: We are always up for a challenge. So try these healthful Blue Zone -- and Cold Spot -- inspired ideas.

Take 20 percent off. "In every Blue Zone, they eat less than we do, by at least 20 percent," Buettner says. One trick for slashing portions: "Instead of putting big platters of food at the center of the table, fill each plate at the counter," Buettner says.

Pile on the plants. Not only are plant-based diets rich in antioxidants and other good-for-you nutrients, they're also better for your waistline. "A plate of food in Okinawa has one-fifth the calorie density of a typical American meal," Buettner says. "You can chow down for a fraction of the calories." Buettner suggests thinking of meat as a condiment rather than the main event, and subbing in more beans, legumes and nuts.

Learn to love the foods that love you back. A diet of berries and elk or tofu and sea vegetables might seem utterly foreign -- but taste buds can be retrained. "Americans love fat, salt and sugar because that's what we're used to," Katz says. "But studies show that if you eat more wholesome foods, you can learn to prefer them." An easy way to start: Search for stealth sugar, which Katz says is found in many packaged foods. "Once you get rid of that hidden sugar, you'll start to prefer less-sweet foods," he notes.

Sit down -- and slow down. It might be too much to cook every meal. But we can sit at a table to eat our takeout instead of scarfing it down in the car. Savor each bite as the French do; stretch your meals out for 20 whole minutes. You'll end up eating less and enjoying more.

Get up. "The longest-living people don't think of exercise as a chore," Buettner says. Instead, little bits of movement are a constant part of their everyday lives. Make like a French woman and take a short walk after dinner. Shovel your own snow instead of paying the kid next door; make extra trips carrying laundry up and down the stairs.

Get out. Every Blue Zone is known for its strong social and family bonds. Besides spending quality time at home with family, surround yourself with healthy-living friends -- good health habits are contagious, research shows. Be sure to get involved in your community, too, whether it's at church, a gardening group or a volunteer organization. These connections can add years to your life, Buettner says.

Take it easy. Even the world's healthiest people get stressed out sometimes. What they all have, Buettner says, are daily strategies to shed stress. Meditate, go for a run, make a dinner date with your best friend -- and don't worry about your inability to be a French woman or a Greek farmer.

It's OK to enjoy the occasional cheeseburger. What matters is a cumulative lifestyle pattern of enjoying healthful food, staying connected to others and keeping yourself moving. That's how I plan to live to be 100 in the Brooklyn Blue Zone.

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5:15 AM | 0 comments | Read More

13 Tips to Increase Your Family’s Happiness and Health

Tolstoy was right—happy families are all alike. At least they share certain basic characteristics. Here are a few of the foundations experts say are key to a loving, cheerful home:

1. Create cuddle time. You can’t overdose on hugs. It’s important for families to spend time snuggling in bed together, reading, or talking or playing games. This kind of positive touch helps kids feel loved and secure, plus it’s fun for parents!

2. Sing together, stay together. The Von Trapp family had it right—singing together is a terrific way to bond as a family. Make up your own words to your favorite tunes; dance around the living room with your children; and use music to motivate room cleaning.

3. Make room for fun. While it’s good to encourage your children’s schoolwork and extracurricular activities, too much emphasis on them can create tension and anxiety. Make time for activities that have no purpose other than to allow family members to enjoy spending time together. Play games, plot surprise parties, take long walks, explore a cave, plant a garden, or cook.

4. Exercise together. Take a run or a bike ride to a local park with your child. At the park, you can take time to relax while your child plays in the sandbox or on the seesaw. This kind of outing allows parents to model healthy behavior, get exercise, and spend time with their kids.

5. Create healthy habits. Junk food high in salt and sugar may taste appealing, but it will play havoc with your family’s health and moods. Create healthy snacking habits by leaving out bowls of fruit, cut-up vegetables, nuts, or dried fruit.

6. Cook together. This is another way to get kids interested in healthy foods. While you’re whipping up dinner with your children you are encouraging healthy eating habits as well as teaching cooking, measurement, teamwork, and improvisational skills. Also, kids who help makes meals are more likely to eat them.

7. Reward good behavior. It’s important to reinforce your child’s good behavior. But there’s no need to be extravagant. A trip to the humane shelter, a visit to the zoo, a movie and popcorn, or a slightly later bedtime can be good motivators.

8. Read and write together. Make time every day for reading. Read aloud to the kids, or have the whole family spend time with their own books, or listen to an audiobook. Cuddling up on the couch can make it even cozier. It’s also important for children to spend some time writing each day.

9. Go one-on-one. Parents with more than one child should try to spend a little time interacting just with one child each day, even if it’s just for ten minutes. That special time with a parent helps the child feel special and to bond with you.

10. Have routines. Kids thrive when they know what to expect. So bedtime routines that involve bath, stories, and songs before sleep can minimize nighttime misbehavior. A morning routine can also help you get out the door faster with little fuss.

11. Appreciate each other. Find little ways to show how much you value each other. One idea is to do a little happy dance every time a child returns from school or a parent from work.

12. Remember sorry isn’t enough. When one of your children hurts the feelings of a sibling, it’s not enough to apologize. That child must also find a way to help heal the hurt she has caused, by helping with a chore or sharing a toy.

13. Prioritize your marriage The most important thing you can do for your child is to love your spouse and to demonstrate that love. This models a good relationship for your child and helps to keep your marriage intact.

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3:01 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Women May Lose Face Shape After 20 Years of Smoking

Cigarette smoke has long been known to cause skin looks dull and old wrinkles so impressed. But more horrible, smoked for 20 years to grow a malignant cancer that can distort the shape of her face.

A study conducted by experts from Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida proves smoking can increase the risk of various types of non-melanoma skin cancer. One of these is squamous cell carcinoma, which affects the face and can spread.

This type of cancer usually appears first on the lips and ears, and damaging its shape if left untreated. Even if it spreads, lips and ears that can be completely destroyed and the cancer cells spread to the entire face and other body organs.

The case grew to form the face badly damaged are extremely rare, because the symptoms can instantly caught at early stages. Origin dengna be treated and assisted to quit smoking, the possibility of dramatically changing the face can be prevented.

Squamous cell carcinoma can be experienced by anyone regardless of sex, but the risk is increased 2-fold in women who had smoked for more than 20 years. The number of cigarettes smoked per day influences, but the duration of smoking would be more decisive.

"Statistically looks very strong relationship between the risk of squamous cell carcinoma with the length of a woman undergoing the smoking habit," wrote the researchers, Dr. Dana Rollison in the journal Cancer Causes and Control, as quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (12/11/2011).

Various previous studies also say, toxins in cigarette smoke can trigger changes in the DNA (Deoxy ribonucleic acid) are associated with cancer risk. In addition to skin cancer on the face, smoking is also associated with many other cancers, especially lung cancer.
5:32 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Secrets of Happy Second Marriages

You may have heard about the gloomy report from the National Center for Health Statistics that says second marriages are more likely to fail than first ones are. So much for learning from experience, right? But wait! Buried in all that data, there’s good news for Boomers.
A close look at the numbers reveals that when older couples take another trip down the aisle, they have a better chance than younger ones of staying the course. One reason may be that both nests are likely to be empty. After all, while “The Brady Bunch” was a lot of fun as a sitcom, making a real life blended family work is no clambake. Also, post-midlifers may have gained a measure of emotional stability that lets them create a solid relationship more easily.

Even so, tying the knot at a certain age has its own share of challenges. Here are expert tips for getting past the roadblocks so you can make a go of it the second time around.

Examine What Went Wrong the First Time
Writing in The New York Times, marriage guru Stephanie Coontz stressed that “you have to admit that your first marriage’s failure wasn’t all your ex-spouse’s fault.” Coontz, the author of Marriage, A History and A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s, has interviewed many couples in second marriages that have lasted longer than their first marriages. She found that one reason for their success was their willingness to take some of the blame for what went wrong the first time.

Similarly, Scott (“Dr. Scott”) Haltzman, M.D., founder and editor of and author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men, The Secrets of Happily Married Women, and The Secrets of Happy Families, says that second timers may feel they simply married the wrong person when in fact they didn’t develop good marriage skills. His advice is to “have the attitude that this is the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, so you must find a way to make it work.”

Tina B. Tessina, PhD, (aka “Dr. Romance”) a psychotherapist and the author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage, agrees and adds that you both have “leftovers from earlier relationships.” “If you understand your own history, and seek to learn about your partner’s, you’ll stop repeating past mistakes,” she says. “Don’t keep secrets. Talking about your past will help you understand each other and resolve guilt, fear, and jealousy about earlier loves. Familiarity with what went wrong will help you recognize problems before you repeat them.”

Confront the Ghosts of Relationships Past
Especially if you have been widowed, you may feel guilty about committing to a new love or you may find yourself comparing your first spouse with your current one. The solution is to give yourself time to grieve before you move on. That can also be true if your first marriage ended in divorce. “Even if your marriage had problems, or you were the one who wanted out, you still will have grief over the dreams and hopes which have died with the relationship,” says Dr. Tessina. “The overwhelming feeling of loss can be confusing and difficult to understand. Let yourself work through all of that so you can begin anew.”

Put Some Effort Into Making Your Partner Happy
Dr. Scott emphasizes that many people abandon their courtship behavior the minute they get married. “That’s a mistake,” he warns. “Continue doing all the nice little things that made you fall for one another – sending flowers and cards, giving massages, cooking favorite dishes. Don’t let the romance die.”

Dr. Tessina, who has been in a happy second marriage for 30 years herself, offers this take on the issue: “Good will counts.” “Remember to say the nice things, the compliments, the thank you’s,” she says. “Every couple has what I call a ‘relationship reservoir.’ If you fill it with good feelings and memories, you can draw on that when times get tough. But if your reservoir has lots of negatives and resentments, your marriage will not have staying power.”

Share Your Dreams and Goals
“If you discuss your hopes and dreams about the wedding, sex, and money in advance, you’ll get a chance to see how well you work things out together,” says Dr. Tessina. For his part, Dr. Scott says that you can’t just assume you know what the other person wants. “Why not come right out and ask?” he suggests. “That way you won’t be in for any surprises.”

Make Your Sex Life a Priority
“Don’t downgrade the importance of sex,” Dr. Tessina says. “Be sure your communication about sexual issues is open.” She also recommends being prepared to learn long-term sexual skills, which are different from pre-marital or newlywed sex. “Sex is a great way to comfort each other, to reassure each other, and to heal emotional rifts,” she contends. “A satisfying sexual life will do more to cement the security of your relationship than anything else.”

7:29 PM | 0 comments | Read More


Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is often considered a disease or illness of parents who only arise due to hereditary factors. This assumption is wrong, because all ages can develop this disease, including young people. According to WHO data, Indonesia ranks fourth largest in the number of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) in the world. The main problem, early symptoms of diabetes sufferers can not very typical that a person unaware of DM disease.

Initial symptoms on young people with more typical, marked by much eating, much drinking, a lot of urine, but the weight has dropped dramatically. DM occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels or if the cell does not provide an appropriate response to insulin. There are two types of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Patients with type 1 diabetes insulin is produced, generally occurs before age 30 are children and adolescents.
DM type 1 is supported lifestyles and consumption of unhealthy foods, environmental factors in the form of a virus infection or nutritional factors in childhood or early adulthood that causes the immune system destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

The cause of diabetes such as high levels of corticosteroids, pregnancy diabetes during pregnancy will disappear after childbirth, drugs that can damage the pancreas, and toxins that affect the formation or the effects of insulin.
The difficulty of early detection of diabetes symptoms can only be overcome by medical check-up examination as early as possible. Prevention in the management of DM are 3 ways, namely primary prevention, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention is the effort devoted to people who fall into this category at high risk of DM, but has not appeared and endeavored not appear. Necessary steps to reduce any factors that influence the occurrence of DM, as well as efforts made to eliminate these factors.

Secondary prevention or early detection can be regarded as that is by screening. Treatment of early disease should be done immediately to prevent the possible occurrence of chronic complications. Moderate tertiary prevention, if the chronic complications of DM has occurred, attempted to prevent further disability and improve the patient as early as possible before the patient experienced permanent disability so that the quality of life remains good. For all that, the major management step is to organize the food intake of a healthy and balanced and olaraga an orderly and disciplined life.

Perhaps we have come to realize that in everyday life has done some things that actually triggered diabetes mellitus. In this life force of law "savings", what we eat today will feel the results many years later. Similarly, diseases, ranging from favorite beverage likes to stay up watching TV until late at night.
6:32 PM | 0 comments | Read More

5 Ways To Live Happier

Happiness is one concept that everyone wants to learn and achieve. But sometimes many are not willing to make great strides to be able to reach it.

Some experts say happiness can be achieved through herbal potions and certain dietary patterns. But there is also mention you will not get it through health pills but with keeping the peace of mind. Then the rest is governed by genetic factors, situations and environments.

1. Rest of the things that smell 'material'
Psychological research reveals that money is not everything in life and money can not buy happiness. When has a lot of money, you can membayat all the bills, buying a home, vehicles and other luxury goods.

It was actually you have two choices: donate your property or improve social status. Actually, people who have high social life has a better level of happiness compared to just using his wealth for yourself.

2. Establish a good relationship for happiness
With being single, it will not help you much happiness fatherly. But when you have a family, a relationship with a partner is the key to happiness is better. Research shows a strong social ties will affect a person's happiness level. Meanwhile, when your marriage strong and healthy, it can be menwuudkan happiness itself.

3. Satisfied with oneself
As you strive to be happy the less happiness you achieve. Happiness that comes naturally, and sometimes obtained from an unconscious effort. Kebahagiann is the effect of a more balanced life. Focus on reaching life goals tend mneingkatkan self satisfaction level of life.

4. Be generous and always be grateful
A person who is not selfish tend to feel happier. This is related to point 1, where the current focus to help others, then you do not have much time to complain. Research shows by having an attitude of gratitude for all the blessings in life, such as health, friendship, family, work, and other things, makes you a happier person.

5. Focus on experiences rather than possessions.
When someone spends money and time to do activities together will feel happier than those spending money on expensive things. Actually luxurious objects that will not leave significant memories in your mind.

When it is done is simply to buy luxury goods, a happiness that is temporary. For example happier if your child is rewarded with leisure travel as compared with luxury goods.
5:12 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Beef Cooked Mature Trigger Malignant Prostate Cancer

Cardiologists and doctors have long known the risk of clogged arteries due to red meat. But they now have another reason to urge patients to avoid these foods.

A recent study found that men at higher risk of malignant prostate cancer if eating beef and other red meats, especially grilled or cooked with very mature.

In research published in the journal PLoS One, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco comparing about 500 men newly diagnosed with malignant prostate cancer with a group of men who are not diagnosed cancers in the same amount as the control group.

All participants filled out detailed questionnaires about their diet during the previous year, including the amount of meat eaten and how to cook it.

Men who ate beef 2.3 times more likely to develop malignant prostate cancer than men who do not eat beef. The high consumption of fat in meat and liver are also associated with an increased risk of cancer.

On the other hand, poultry meat, pork, and hot dogs and sausages are low in fat seems only a little effect on cancer risk.

People who prefer to eat the burger has twice the cancer risk, whereas in the stage is like a burger or eat them only rarely have an increased risk of 12 percent. A similar pattern seen in people who ate grilled steak.

"This is evidence supporting the notion that red meat, especially grilled meats, contain carcinogens associated with prostate cancer," said Ronald D Ennis, MD, director of radiation oncology St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center, in New York City who was not involved in this study as reported by CNN, Friday (25/11/2011).

When meat is cooked and charred at high temperatures on the fire, a reaction occurs which causes the formation of two chemicals: heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). In animal studies, these chemicals are proven to cause several types of cancers, including prostate cancer.

"This study not only connect the red meat with prostate cancer risk, but also look at the methods and level of cooking food. This study adds to contribute to our understanding of potential mechanisms in the formation of HCAs and PAHs," said Lee Richstone, MD, professor of surgery and cancer specialists prostate at the Smith Institute of Urology, New Hyde Park, New York.

10:56 PM | 0 comments | Read More

The Danger Having Sex When Temporarily Menstruation

Not a few couples who dare to take risks to make love while the woman is menstruating. Though having sex in the woman's menstrual periods can be dangerous. What to look out for?

Specialist Oncology at the Jakarta Consultation Center, Prof. Dr. Li Zhong Yuan said there are three things to watch out for when to have sex when a woman is menstruating, namely:

A very important ways to make your healthier life
1. Endometriosis
When the marital relationship, women will have an orgasm and then the uterus will contract causing dirty from menstrual blood can enter the stomach through the oviduct. This can cause the onset of endometriosis in a woman's body.

2. Infection
Marital relationship will usually lead to injuries and endometriumnya decay, menstrual blood or semen is not sterile can enter the body and cause infection.

3. Can cause traumatic injury in the cervix caused by an infection
Be aware of three issues, Dr. Yuan Li also recommends couples should wait until the woman's menstruation is finished. After a woman has been 'clean', then the couple can have sex as usual.

A similar opinion was also expressed by Dr. Andri Wanananda. Association members Seksologi Indonesia (ASI) was revealed when menstruation occurs the release layer in the wall of the womb (uterus) to then be replaced with a new layer.

"The process was accompanied by a discharge of blood 35 ml & 35 ml of serous fluid. This shows there is an open blood vessels," he wrote in his consulting page for detikHealth.

When making love when a woman is menstruating, Mr. movements. Happy when penetration of the vagina can trigger the entry of air bubbles into the blood vessel open. "It is feared the occurrence of embolism, the air bubbles are carried by the flow of blood and when the clogging of blood vessels around the heart would be fatal consequences," he wrote again.

Dr. Andri suggested to channel the passion that increases during menstruation, the couple can penetrate Mr. Happy without into the Miss. V. For example with a touch of the manual, lips or tongue couples in erotic zones.
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