Junk Food Affect Sperm Quality

The Recent Study Found That Junk Food Can Decrease The Sperm Quality

Sperm Quality – The husband who was trying to have children should avoid eating junk food types that are sold at various fast food restaurants. Because recent studies show that eating too much junk food can lead to healthy men become sterile.

According to the research, the high content of fat on junk food can damage sperm. The fertility expert doctors from Harvard University in America and University of Murcia, Spain, studied sperm quality from hundreds of men aged 18 to 22 years.

At the outset, participants in the research were examined to ensure that they are in a state of optimum health and do not have any problems that may affect their reproductive system. They were then asked to record their daily food for several months before then checked again by scientists.

This study revealed that those who consume high fat foods, such as biscuits, cakes,chocolate, potato chips, and a variety of fast food has a less good sperm quality than those who eat nutritious meals every day.

Although the participants who like to eat fatty foods has an ideal body weight and diligent exercise, but their sperm are less likely to survive the journey to fertilize the egg.

While participants with the intake of trans fat is high, it has the worst quality sperm.Trans fat is refined oil companies use junk food as an inexpensive way to enhance the flavor. The researchers also found that a diet rich in whole grains and vegetables produce sperm with the best quality.
The Nutritious Food For Good Sperm Quality

Here is a nutritious food for men who want to have good sperm quality:

Vitamin B12: according to the magazine Men’s Health, the study of Yamaguchi University School of Medicine in Japan, 42 percent of men taking 1500 mcg these supplements per day showed an increase in sperm count and movement. This vitamin can be found in natural yoghurt, eggs, salmon and liver.

Vitamin C: a study at the University of Texas found that vitamin C helps prevent sperm clumping and reduce abnormalities in sperm. This vitamin is found in raspberries, strawberries, oranges, asparagus and broccoli.

Vitamin E: the researchers from Tel Aviv University found that men who consumed 200 mg per day experienced an increase in conception rates. This vitamin can be found in muesli (a type of cereal), porridge, sweet potatoes and avocados.

Fatty acids: fatty acids promote the ability of sperm to penetrate the egg. According to the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, low levels of fatty acids that have anything to do with sperm abnormalities. He can be found in oily fish, nuts and seeds.

Iron: consumption of at least 15 g of iron per day is important not only to increase sperm count but also to increase stamina swimming sperm. Iron can be found in pumpkin, eggs, red meat and sesame seeds. – Sperm Quality

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