tips for getting a beautiful loving relationship

Always wanted an intimate relationship during the approach or the beginning of courtship? No need to use a time machine to go back to the past (because it is not possible as well), simply do the little things and this easy. As quoted from the GLO, here are six ways to enhance your romance and your partner.

1. Music Memories
Perhaps you and your spouse have memories on certain songs are reminiscent of the approach or the first date. Generate more fond memories of it when the relationship began to feel bored. Music can get into the mind and soul to 'call' back in the early period of romantic courtship.

"Make the music as a soundtrack to your journey of love. Do also dance together to make the relationship more closely," explains Dr. Eva Selhub, author of "The Love Response '.

2. Massage in the Head
Head massage can relieve stress and fatigue in mind. Offer a massage service to your lovers, and mulailailah massaging head start from the hair and scalp, forehead to the neck area. Massaging the head will ease tensions and open up space for you and your partner closer to each other, understand and trust each other.

3. Embrace
Sometimes, simply by pulling the couple embraced in a deep breath, can revive romance. Hugs hormone releasing pheromones, substances of natural decoy to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Hormones will be mixed with the body's natural scent that makes women look beautiful and attractive.

4. Food Favorites
Where you and your partner to eat when you first date? After a few years, try visiting a restaurant that brings back memories of romantic or have special meaning to you both. According to Eva, "Eating together creates an emotional bond, which turned into oxytocin; hormone of love."

5. Foot massage in
Foot massaging each other, at least once a week is another way to evoke the romance in a relationship. Not only releases the tension, according to the beliefs of China, at the foot massage is a way to express love through touch.

6. Create a Poem
May seem archaic, but poetry is one of the most classic expression of love. Nothing wrong with taking the time to write a love poem and send it to email or fuel him. Want a more conventional way? Send me love poetry through postal mail. "He will look you desire for a serious relationship," said Stacey L. Moss, founder of Moss Botanicals.
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