Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is often considered a disease or illness of parents who only arise due to hereditary factors. This assumption is wrong, because all ages can develop this disease, including young people. According to WHO data, Indonesia ranks fourth largest in the number of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) in the world. The main problem, early symptoms of diabetes sufferers can not very typical that a person unaware of DM disease.

Initial symptoms on young people with more typical, marked by much eating, much drinking, a lot of urine, but the weight has dropped dramatically. DM occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels or if the cell does not provide an appropriate response to insulin. There are two types of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Patients with type 1 diabetes insulin is produced, generally occurs before age 30 are children and adolescents.
DM type 1 is supported lifestyles and consumption of unhealthy foods, environmental factors in the form of a virus infection or nutritional factors in childhood or early adulthood that causes the immune system destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

The cause of diabetes such as high levels of corticosteroids, pregnancy diabetes during pregnancy will disappear after childbirth, drugs that can damage the pancreas, and toxins that affect the formation or the effects of insulin.
The difficulty of early detection of diabetes symptoms can only be overcome by medical check-up examination as early as possible. Prevention in the management of DM are 3 ways, namely primary prevention, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention is the effort devoted to people who fall into this category at high risk of DM, but has not appeared and endeavored not appear. Necessary steps to reduce any factors that influence the occurrence of DM, as well as efforts made to eliminate these factors.

Secondary prevention or early detection can be regarded as that is by screening. Treatment of early disease should be done immediately to prevent the possible occurrence of chronic complications. Moderate tertiary prevention, if the chronic complications of DM has occurred, attempted to prevent further disability and improve the patient as early as possible before the patient experienced permanent disability so that the quality of life remains good. For all that, the major management step is to organize the food intake of a healthy and balanced and olaraga an orderly and disciplined life.

Perhaps we have come to realize that in everyday life has done some things that actually triggered diabetes mellitus. In this life force of law "savings", what we eat today will feel the results many years later. Similarly, diseases, ranging from favorite beverage likes to stay up watching TV until late at night.
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